Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Week 14: Kowtow to the IRS

Well, my goal for week 14 was no fun at all, but it had to be done. What was it, you ask? I needed to do my taxes. I'm normally a send-them-off-in-January kinda gal, but I just didn't get around to it earlier this year. This was probably partially because of the move and the new job, but mostly because I knew I wasn't going to be getting much money back. In fact, I made so little money last year that I actually qualified for the EIC for the first time ever! (I'm not sure I should be excited about this, but apparently I am.) I felt a little guilty even making this one of my blog goals, because I did it... in about 15 minutes. Ha! Amen for TurboTax Freedom Edition. I had anticipated this taking me the better part of Saturday morning, but I was finished before I had even organized all of my paperwork.

Since I had so much free time on my hands afterwards, my two wonderful housemates and I laid out by our pool. It was gorgeous here this weekend, so we spent about 2 hours baking in the sun (SPF 45 dutifully applied) and catching up on our lives. I also got around to reading a great nutrition article that has been sitting on my shelf for weeks. After sunning ourselves, my housemate S and I decided to run a few errands and ended up, conveniently, at Yogurtland, where we treated ourselves to some fro-yo. Then, feeling fat, we rode our bikes up and down the Greenbelt for about an hour and a half before settling in to watch Beasts of the Southern Wild. All in all, a great day. Thanks, S!

Greenbelt - photo via

PS: Today would have been my beloved animal's 7th birthday. Happy birthday to you, sweet boy, and thank you for sharing your too-short life with me.

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