Saturday, January 26, 2013

Week 3: Caffeine detox

I'm not a daily coffee drinker. I love coffee, but usually I save it for a weekend treat, because drinking white mochas or pumpkin spice lattes every day would not be a good life choice. (Coffee, like wasabi, is a sometimes food for me - skip to 5:05 and watch for about 35 seconds for the cutest nutritional advice ever given.)

While I was on the road with a daily coffee drinker, however, Starbucks became a series of mini-Meccas en route to our destination. I was drinking coffee or black tea almost every day and loving it.

Photo via

Once I arrived in Phoenix, I was feeling seriously over-caffeinated. It was clear to me what Goal #3 would be. I needed a detox from caffeine, and it was perfect timing as I wouldn't be starting work for another week. I didn't have any tea-less 5am mornings to look forward to in week 3 of the New Year. I vowed that for this week, I wouldn't drink any caffeinated tea or coffee, and if I had a yen for a warm beverage, I would make hot herbal tea to satisfy my craving and keep myself hydrated in my new, dry climate.

So, did you do it? Yes! I didn't have any coffee or black tea all week. I didn't do quite as well with staying hydrated as I'd hoped, but I don't think that any amount of water ingested could ward off the inevitable dry skin and lips this week. I hope my body adjusts quickly!

I also accomplished a number of other things in week 3. I put together my bed, unpacked 90% of my boxes, hung curtains to cover up my door-less closet, and explored my new neighborhood. It was a very busy and satisfying week!

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